“It isn’t the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it’s the pebble in your shoe.” -Muhammad Ali
The most celebrated boxer, heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali breathed his last on June 3,2016 after his longtime battle with Parkinson's disease. Muhammad Ali won the Olympic gold medalist in 1960 and in 1964 the world heavyweight boxing champion. Ali has also received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2005. He was undoubtedly king of the ring. The boxer was born Cassius Clay in Louisville, Kentucky, on January 17, 1942. 12 year old Ali discovered his boxing talent when his bike was stolen, and he told police officer, Joe Martin, that he wants to beat the thief up . It was Martin who told him, " Well, you better learn how to fight before you start challenging people,". Martin was not only a police officer,he also trained young boxers at a local gym. It was there he started off his boxing career with the help of Martin .
In 1954, he won the first amateur fight by split decision. In 1956, won the Golden Gloves tournament for novices. He won the National Golden Gloves Tournament of Champions, three years later and also the Amateur Athletic Union's national title for the light heavyweight division. Ali got a spot on the U.S. Olympic boxing team in 1960. Ali defeated Zbigniew Pietrzkowski of Poland and won the gold medal light heavyweight class. British heavyweight champion Henry Cooper was knocked out by Ali in 1963, he then went on to knock Sonny Liston in the very next year becoming the heavyweight champion of the world. In the last few years things began turning worse. In the early 2015, the boxer was hospitalized because of some urinary tract infection. Again in early June 2016, for respiratory issue and passed away on June 3, 2016 at a Phoenix, Arizona facility.
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dawn sussenberger (Cousin of Mr. Muhammad Ali)